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What makes one a human?

“The human being does not develop into a human being, but as a human being. He does not become human, but is human… in every phase of his development, from fertilisation onwards.“


Prof. Dr. med Erich Blechschmidt, Embryologist

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Extraordinary Embryo Events!

Days 1-7

​Size of (.) at Fertilization Complete Genetic Identity--Sex, Hair Color, etc.

Days 8-14

Size of whites space of (o) at Implantation . Formation of Amniotic Cavity, Placenta, 3 Germ layers

Days 15-21

Development of Heart with heartbeat between 19-22 days, Brain & Spinal Cord, Muscles, Bones/Skeleton, Pancreas.

Days 22-28

Size of full width of (o). Blood circulation, Mouth Opens, Development of Early Brain Chambers, Eyes, Ears, Arm Buds, Thyroid, Vertebrae, Spine, Ribs. 

Days 29-35

​Size of BB Pellet. Leg Buds, Heart Chambers, Digital Plates, Nostrils, Appendix, Intestines, Pancreas, Kidney, Eye Lenses. 

Days 36-42

Size of Pinto Bean. Spine Clearly Visible, Heart Beats 150x Per Minute, Brain Waves Measureable, Eyelids, Nose, Heart Valves, Blood Cells, Joint, Hiccups, Slow Body Movements. 

Days 43-49

​Size of Pinto Bean. Spine Clearly Visible, Heart Beats 150x Per Minute, Brain Waves Measureable, Eyelids, Nose, Heart Valves, Blood Cells, Joint, Hiccups, Slow Body Movements.

Days 50-56

Size of Small Plum. All Organs Present. Well-defined Fingers, Central Nervous System Begins, Primitive Skeletal System Complete, Joints Complete--Visible Toe Joints, Teeth Buds Form. Broad Range of More Forceful Movements. 

Baby Olivia~Human In Utero Growth Video

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